Information Literacy for Cybersecurity
Course Abstract: This online asynchronous course meets Old Dominion University’s (ODU) Information Literacy general education requirement in a way that engages students in emerging areas of study in information literacy particular to Cybersecurity and Cybercrime, and provides training in research methods that is directly relevant to these fields of study. Both Information Literacy and Cybersecurity are multidisciplinary fields of study and bringing these two subjects together in a course provides the opportunity for Cybersecurity and Cybercrime students to explore and build skills in Information Literacy and Research through the lens of their area of study. There are currently no required or recommended courses for meeting the Information Literacy Research Methods general education course within the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime majors at ODU. As a general education course it will also be open to any university student to enroll in and it will be placed at the 200-level with no prerequisites other thancompletion of the first-year composition course, providing an opportunity for any student to learn about these topics and an opportunity to recruit students into the major.We will develop the course to be crosslisted under CS, CYSE, and PHIL designations, allowing a variety of instructors to offer the course, providing a large capacity to meet student demand for information literacy courses.Although an information literacy course is not a requirement at all Virginia institutions, many universities include information literacy as one of their selected SCHEV competencies. Additionally, other programs must still meet outcomes addressed by this course at some point in their curricula, including research methods and social issues in cyber. In order to maximize adaptability and use of these materials, the course will be developed as distinct and self-contained OER modules, uploaded to the Virginia Cyber Range, that can be easily integrated into other courses at Virginia institutions other than ODU.
Contact Dr. D.E. Wittkower,, for more information
Course Materials