COVA SHARE stands for Coastal Virginia Shared Academic and Research Environment.

COVA Share is designed for confidential non-regulated data at this time, and should not be used for research involving regulated data without obtaining consultation in advance.

COVA Share includes an instructional lab for basic through advanced lab configurations.

In order to request access to the COVA CCI research environment, please fill out the form located here
The Academic environment is currently in the design phase and will be available soon.

Please follow the instructions here under the section “Request a longer term guest account” to create guest accounts for project collaborators.

Please contact the COVA CCI support team at to request resources.

PI’s and Co-Pi’s will use their ODU Midas account to login to the environment

The COVA Share research environment provides compute, GPU and storage resources for CCI projects. GPUs are provided using GPU passthrough to virtual instances.
The allocation varies depending on the needs of the project.

Onboarding documentation is located in the CCI wiki:

COVA Share includes an instructional lab for basic through advanced lab configurations. Please submit a project using the project submission form located here:
We will contact you regarding project architecture and next steps





COVA CCI is supported by the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative and funded through the Commonwealth of Virginia.
