Breakout Session Presentations
Breakout Session 1 | September 20 | 11:00-11:50
Potomac & York River Room: Marty Kaszubowski (GMU) – Commercializing your work: ICAP can help.
The Innovation Commercialization Assistance Program (ICAP) assists Virginia-based innovators from ideation, all the way through seeking Series A level of funding and beyond. The presentation will discuss the commercialization process, in general, and how symposium participants can access ICAP’s free and confidential experiential learning programs and one-on-one advising with by experienced team of ICAP Mentors.
Newport News Room: Teresa Duvall (ODU) – Designing for Sustainability: Women in Cybersecurity
How do we attract and maintain Women into the field of Cybersecurity. How do we address gap from academia to being hired in the cybersecurity field in a sustainable manner.
Presentation: Designing for Sustainability: Women in cybersecurity
Executive Dining Room: Kieth Moreau (ECPI) – The Role of Experiential Learning Activities in Bridging the Skills Gap
This proposal explores the role of experiential learning activities in bridging the skills gap in cybersecurity. It highlights the need for students to transition from learning about the cybersecurity profession to actually becoming cybersecurity professionals. The proposal addresses the challenges faced by cybersecurity programs in adequately preparing students for the workplace, and required experience. The proposal also focuses on outreach to students and employers, different types of experiential learning activities, assessing, and its significance.
Presentation: Role of Experiential Learning Activities in Bridging the Skills Gap
Breakout Session 2 | September 20 | 2:00-2:50
Potomac & York River Room: Rafael Diaz (ODU) – Applications of Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructures: An AI Supply Chain Perspective.
The newly created Supply Chain Cybersecurity Research Cluster investigates issues related to the broader maritime supply chain security domain affecting the planning, execution, and performance of complex systems while exploring novel frontiers in cyber research and education. Our presentations will focus on applications of Machine Learning and AI on Smart Grids, Autonomous ships and vehicles, and Cryptography related to cybersecurity in Maritime and Shipbuilding spheres.
Newport News Room: Christopher Carter (VSGC) – Commonwealth STEM Industry Internship Program (CSIIP) A Best Practice Model For Experiential Learning Opportunities
The Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) proposes to a presentation in the Curricular Considerations: Designing Experiential Learning track to provide an overview of the Commonwealth STEM Industry Internship Program (CSIIP) as a best practice model in providing cyber-related experiential learning opportunities connecting students with business/industry in Virginia. VSGC, a Coastal Virginia Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (COVA CCI) team member, leverages CSIIP to provide undergraduate students with paid internships with business/industry in Virginia.
Executive Dining Room: Madison Boswell (VT) – Use and Abuse of Personal Information
The Use & Abuse Program employs an adaptation of the international Vertically Integrated Project consortium model. This experimental design lends itself well to engaging both non-engineering students as well as engineering students. The VIP model readily facilitates large, diverse teams, including multi-university partnerships, which broaden and enhance student engagement in alignment with CCI’s goals.
Breakout Session 3 | September 21 | 10:00 - 10:50
Potomac & York River Room: Leigh Armistead (Peregrine Technical Solutions) – What Works? Approved Apprenticeships Do!
Most US Federal Cybersecurity positions require a security clearance. Peregrine has the first DOL approved cyber security registered apprenticeship program (RAP) in the nation (2016) as well as the first youth registered apprenticeship (YRA) in 2019. This presentation will talk about how these programs are a great way to help grow new talent for all of these cybersecurity openings across the US.
Presentation: What Works? Approved Apprenticeships Do
Newport News Room: Terrance Perry (SimIS Inc) – Automation of CMMC Cybersecurity Implementation Guidance: Enhancing compliance and efficiency efforts
The project automates creation of implementation guidance for the CMMC program, enhancing compliance efforts and efficiency in cybersecurity for maritime industry. It follows a systematic approach using AI/ML to make guidance accessible to non-traditional professionals. It includes selecting automation tools, mapping controls to actions, integrating best references, implementing monitoring, and establishing reporting mechanisms. By automating processes and involving a broader professional workforce, project improves CMMC implementation, expands relevant experience, and strengthens security in organizations.
Presentation: Automation of CMMC Cybersecurity Implementation Guidance
Executive Dining Room: Charles Kirkpatrick (ODU) – Introduction to BioCybersecurity
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines digitally amplify and map samples of DNA. In 2018 researchers at the University of Washington demonstrated how DNA can be used to inject malware into these PCR systems. This research, in part, prompted us to form a new BioCybersecurity class at ODU. At Cyber Con, we seek industry and academic feedback on the course curriculum to increase student awareness of our class through your community outreach.
Breakout Session 4 | September 21 | 11:00 - 11:50
Potomac & York River Room: David Parker (SimIS Inc) – Development and Deployment of a payload and network agnostic unmanned system utilizing CMMC cybersecurity controls
The objective of this project is to create an Autonomous Unmanned Surface Vessel platform that is highly modular and able to integrate a wide variety of existing technologies while retaining high levels of cyber security defense and operational ruggedness using Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification and Capability Maturity Model Integration methodologies. The project follows an approach to design that included close integration of various teams to capitalize on unique systems integration and experiential learning opportunities.
Presentation: Development and deployment of a payload and network agnostic unmanned system
Newport News Room: Christopher Kreider (CNU) – Developing a 1st and 2nd year Cybersecurity Seminar
This presentation will discuss the structure of a 1 credit seminar class aimed at 1st and 2nd year cybersecurity students. The class works to give students opportunities to explore current events in cybersecurity, get hands on with tools, and build understanding and empathy of the impacts of cybersecurity on the world around us.
Presentation: Developing a 1st and 2nd year cybersecurity seminar
Executive Dining Room: Ross Gore (ODU) – Individualized and Effective Cyber Risk Training for the Maritime Industry Using Large Language Models
Cyber risk training focuses on conveying the probability and consequences of threats. Studies have shown that this information alone rarely affects preparedness. This is especially true in the maritime industry where the efforts to find the right trade-off between security and usability, introduce new cybersecurity risks on a regular basis. We propose a framework that can be applied to any type of cyber threat to generate individualized cyber risk training containing desired stakeholder information.
All Day Sessions – North Cafe
NetTech Warriors – Hands-on Demonstration of a Cybersecurity-themed board game – Kevin Moberly
NetTech Warriors is a cybersecurity-themed board game educate students about potential careers in cybersecurity. This hands-on demonstration will give conference participants an opportunity to play NetTech warriors, as well to discuss how they can leverage the potentials of game-based experiential learning to address complex issues in cybersecurity.
Student Posters

COVA CCI CybER Con is sponsored by the Coastal Virginia Center for Cybersecurity Innovation (COVA CCI) and the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI).
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